How Do Deep Tissue Massages Work?

When you get a massage, your body goes through physical changes because:

  • The relaxation response is how the nervous system instinctively and predictably calms down when touched or massaged.
  • When pressure is put on soft tissues in the body, mechanical reactions or physical effects happen.

What is the reaction to letting go?

A warm invitation to take it easy is a soft, safe touch during a massage. Along with relieving pain, this usually leads to a “relaxation reaction.” This was the first technique used in Ashiatsu massage in London.

During the relaxation response, your heart rate and breathing rate slow, your blood pressure drops, your body produces fewer stress hormones, and your muscles relax. The relaxation reaction seems to raise the body’s serotonin level, positively affecting feelings and thoughts. Even though this is a good sign, more research is still needed to prove that massage affects the amount of serotonin in the brain.

The relaxation response may reduce the negative physical effects of stress and the risks that come with it, such as high blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, anxiety, trouble sleeping, chronic fatigue, sexual dysfunction, digestive problems, and mental health issues.

More people are using it:

Massage is supposed to improve the flow of lymph and blood. Most likely, this is because of a combination of chemicals released during the relaxation response and physical manipulation of soft tissues.

More food and oxygen can get to the muscles when circulation goes up. When the health of cells gets better, tissues work better. More efficient functioning leads to the removal of waste products, the absorption of more fluid, and the reduction of edema in soft tissues.

Things to do to unwind:

Massage therapy loosens muscles, making painful contractions and spasms less likely. Massage can also help take pressure off of nerves. To understand this better, consider how tight muscles can pinch nerves nearby. When these muscles are relaxed, they don’t pressure the nerves. This means that the nerves should be able to take in the right nutrients and work better. The nerves can send and receive information normally to and from the brain again, which makes the muscles and organs work better.

When you touch or press the skin, the muscles, tendons, and ligaments loosen up. Also, a massage therapist may not be able to easily reach some of the deeper tissues of the body, like the deep spinal musculature. However, relaxing the muscles in the top layers of the body may still affect these deeper tissues, which could make both the superficial and deep tissues better aligned and balanced.

Massage can help organs because they share the same pain pathways in the brain as muscles, bones, and nerves. Organs can sometimes hurt or stop working when muscles, bones, or nerves are in danger.

Calmness Of Mind:

A study found that massage increases “feel-good” neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins while lowering “stress hormones.”

Better sleep:

Regular massages can help you feel better and sleep better by reducing pain and boosting serotonin.

Eliminate Pain:

A deep tissue massage will relieve both short-term and long-term joint and muscle pain by untying knots in the connective tissue (fascia) and muscles of overworked, stressed areas. Also, it helps the body heal faster by increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation.

Improve your health as a whole:

Deep tissue massage improves the health of muscles, tissues, and the body as a whole by lowering blood pressure and making the lungs work better.

Among the things to think about when looking for a massage therapist are:

  • Deep tissue massage is not what all massage therapists do best. Some people are experts in one or two areas, while others have had training in many different areas. Find out if they offer deep tissue massage and what kinds of problems they treat best.
  • Find out how much each session costs and if there are any ways to save money, such as a sliding-scale option. Additionally, you should confirm with your health insurance provider whether massage treatment is covered, particularly for specific diseases.
  • Ask for credentials and ensure the massage therapist is licensed to work in your area.

Check out Ashiatsu Massage London right away if you want to learn and get the best massages.