Who Is A Mobile Massage Therapist?

A mobile massage therapist is a fully qualified massage therapist who can attend to patients or clients in their homes. Mobile massage therapists can help with that, though. Mobile Massage London Clients receive massage treatments from a mobile massage therapist at their residence or business. Driving to the client’s location, advising clients in determining the best kind of massage technique for their needs, and shifting equipment throughout each session is all part of your employment as a mobile massage therapist.

According to AMTA’s 2020 Loyalty Survey, 40 percent of massage therapists who participated claimed they traveled to a client’s home or workplace. Although there isn’t sufficient evidence to indicate it, many massage therapists feel the demand for mobile massage therapy has remained healthy during the epidemic as consumers have become more comfortable with the stay-at-home economy.

The potential virtues are evident. However, before you commit yourself fully to providing outcall massages, you need to be aware of a few things about mobile massage first. Among the most significant concerns are the following considerations:

Licensing: Generally, you don’t need an individual license or permit to practice mobile massage.

Comfort and safety: Mobile massage requires an adventurous and agile mentality. It requires a special individual to feel comfortable offering mobile massage. Because when you go to a stranger’s house, you never know who will open the door or what will be there. It’s almost like going on a blind date—and not everyone is comfortable going on blind dates.

There is a good likelihood that you will work independently or as a freelancer as a massage therapist. However, if you are not structured or have the proper tools to help you keep track of your clients’ SOAP forms, appointments, billing, and many other aspects of your firm, this may not be very enjoyable.

The following are some tools that, in our experience, will be beneficial to any massage therapist.

Any Do:

Busy massage therapists like in Mobile Massage London must keep on top of time management, diaries, and more because there are many things to achieve! Try this software so you can get it all done. Do simplifies minute-by-minute scheduling, allowing you to fit in all the necessary tasks despite conflicts with client meetings and other obligations.


The Zenoti app allows you to keep all your SOAP notes in one location, and it’s easy to use and works well for digitizing notes from your clients. If you provide a variety of therapies, Zenoti enables you to create special templates for each kind so that your intake form collects all the client’s data using a different form for each type of therapy. Additionally, they provide a free demo so you can decide if it’s the ideal fit for your massage therapy business. Both iOS and Android are compatible.

Intuit QuickBooks:

Intuit QuickBooks helps you do all this from your iOS or Android mobile. In addition, this easy-to-use application makes monitoring your income. It costs a snap, allowing you to speed up the annual tax return for your massage therapy business. It can even track distance automatically via GPS for mobile massage therapists.

Rehab My Patient:

Rehab My Patient allows massage therapists to design tailor-made activity regimens for their consumers leveraging a big pool of professional photos and videos. Plus, Rehab My Patient allows therapists the flexibility to arrange secure video consultations with clients allowing you to coach them through exercises, check in on their progress, and make comments. This program can be a huge game changer for therapists enabling you to demonstrate to your clients the depth of your knowledge and individualized service. Consult Mobile Massage London if you are looking for the best massage therapist.