Should I Be Bruised After A Sports Massage?

Do people often get bruises after a massage?

No, bruises don’t happen very often. It does happen sometimes, and most of the time, it’s because of blood vessel damage. The therapist presses quite hard on the muscles during a deep tissue massage. Although the additional pressure applied during a deep tissue massage could make the experience unpleasant, it should not be painful. Deep tissue massage is not intended to worsen the pain; rather, it is meant to alleviate existing discomfort. If the technique is executed incorrectly, there is a risk that someone will be hurt or injured.

What is going on?

A deep tissue massage involves the therapist applying firm pressure to the client’s deeper muscles and the connective tissue beneath them. Sometimes the fascia gets stuck and forms knots that are hard to undo or release. To avoid getting hurt or bruised, it’s important to use the right amount of pressure and technique after a sports massage.

Because of the extra pressure, bruises can happen. These are the main things that cause bruises:

Blood vessel rupture:

Blood that has built up under the skin or in the muscles is the cause of any marks or bruises that appear after a deep tissue massage. The pressure from the massage breaks the very weak blood vessels. When blood pools inside the muscle, it is called an intramuscular bruise. When blood pools under the skin, it is called a subcutaneous bruise.

Reasons for Taking Medicine:

Some people are more likely to get bruises than others and often get them after massages. This is mostly because they have small blood vessels and thin skin. Several things affect how fragile blood vessels are and how the skin feels, such as:

  • Drugs for older people, like blood thinners and corticosteroids,
  • Problems with bleeding or clotting
  • Vitamin deficits, specifically vitamin C deficiency
  • Sunburn and sun exposure causes skin damage.
  • Several health problems can cause skin that is weak and thin.

Some people get bruises easily after massages, so the massage technique needs to be changed. You can change the type of massage you get by talking to your massage therapist or chiropractor. There are different ways to massage that use less pressure.

Is it bad if your skin gets bruised after getting a massage?

This fluid can build up in your tissues until a certain muscle looks red and swollen. Even though massage may cause bruises, it can help break up these knots. But in this case, what’s going on below the surface is good for your body because new blood can now flow through normally.

Can a sports massage hurt your health in any way?

Negative consequences: Even though the risk of bad effects from deep tissue massage is low, it may not be right for everyone. If a person has any of the following signs, they should go to the doctor: blood that doesn’t clot well. More accidents, like broken bones, are likely to happen.

Is it common to get bruises after physical therapy?

Bruising is often a side effect of physical therapy and deep tissue massage. Because your body is working, your tissues raise your blood, which gives you an ugly bruise. It could also mean something about your health. Because of this, you should tell your doctor if you bruise easily.

What avoids bruises after a massage?

Your massage therapist may tell you to use ice or cold, Arnica to treat bruises, or over-the-counter topical pain relievers (like China Gel or Tiger Balm). Resting the hurt area will help the damaged tissue heal and work again.

How long does it take for severe muscle bruising to heal?

Getting better could take a few days to a few weeks. Muscle bruises usually go away independently, but more serious muscle injuries may need medical help.

Is massage good for bumps and bruises?

Massaging the spot that hurts while you sleep is not a good idea, this could worsen the injury, and you could worsen the bruise and damage more blood vessels under the skin.

How long does the pain after a massage last?

Since a massage works on the deepest layers of muscle, it makes sense that your muscles will be sore afterward. After that, your muscles will feel loose, making you tired or hurt. Again, you shouldn’t feel sore for more than a few days after your appointment.

Why does a vibration massage make my skin itch?

Muscle spasms are often caused by damage from too much vibration. These spams might irritate and squeeze the nerves, making the skin feel itchy.

How should a bad bruise be treated?

  • As much as possible, let the hurt area rest.
  • Use an ice pack wrapped in a towel to cool the bruise. Ten to twenty minutes of resting time is recommended, and you can do this as often as you like for the next day or two.
  • If the wound is swollen, use an elastic bandage to squeeze it. Make sure it’s not too tight.
  • Raise the hurt area.

Do people often get bruises after a sports massage?

The next day, the massaged muscles may feel as sore as they do after a hard workout. Even if you are hurt, you shouldn’t bruise, even if there is some localised swelling.

Is it common to get bruises after a massage?

During a deep tissue massage, you may feel a little pinching. This happens to most people two to three days after they get a massage. When you get bruises after a deep tissue massage, it feels like when you start working out again and do too much too soon. If you want to know more about Sports Massage Hackney, please get in touch with us.